Emerging Artist Application Form

Thank you for applying for the 2025 Emerging Artist Competition.

Before submitting your application (below), please read the Application Details found here completely. 

Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 10 at 12 noon. 

Emerging Artist Competition

Please include everything you would in a program: composer dates, movement titles/tempo indications, instrumentation, what large work a movement/song/aria is from, etc. If you are the composer of a work, include instrumentation of the work and your birth date. Please also include the duration of your selected piece(s) (please note: total time allowed will be 10 minutes maximum).
Please include a brief (75 words or less) biography for use in the online program, and for the judges panel to review.

Note: Students must have a UNI G.P.A. of at least 3.00 including a minimum grade of A- in the applied field the semester preceding the audition, be enrolled full-time at least at a junior standing, and not be a previous Emerging Artists Competition scholarship winner.

By clicking submit you are electronically signing your application and submitting your details. Please be sure that all fields are complete.