Advisory Statements and Policies
Space limitations do not permit inclusion of many specific policies and regulations in the Programs and Courses Catalog. Therefore, it has become necessary for the School of Music to publish these items separately (see below). Those which follow attempt to answer general questions and to provide explanations of topics of general concern.
Find a Statement or Policy:
- Music Majors- When is a Freshman a Music Major?
- Applied Music
- Music Organizations and Ensembles
- Freshman Music Core Requirement
- Music Theory
- Recital Attendance
- Piano Proficiency
- Conducting Course Pre-Requisites
- Practice Room Policy
- Studio Changes
- Spring Registration
- Wind and Percussion Majors - Ensemble Audition
- Music Scholarship Opportunity
- Collaborative Pianist Policies (PDF)
- Harpsichord Use Policy (PDF)
- Audio Recording Information (PDF)

Music Majors - When is a Freshman a Music Major?
Students who have successfully auditioned for acceptance as a music major and who are taking an applied music course for two hours credit plus are registered for Theory 1, Aural Training 1, Sight Singing 1, Large Ensemble, and Piano or Group Piano are considered music majors.
Formal declaration of major occurs earlier for music students than for other majors on campus. Changes in declaration can be made with advisor approval.
Applied Music
All music majors must be enrolled in applied music at the concentration level during the freshman year - two (2) credit hours. Students who are permitted to take additional applied lessons in an area other than the concentration will normally register for one (1) credit hours.
Those taking applied music for two credit hours will receive two half-hour lessons or one 1-hour lesson per week. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a lesson time with the instructor.
For details on the current cost of applied music (including private lessons, instrument rental and group lessons) visit the Office of the Registrar site and select the most recent Policies and Procedures document to view "Fees and Billing Information".
Music Organizations and Ensembles
All music majors are required to be registered for a large organization each semester of full-time residence. For purposes of satisfying this requirement, the following ensembles qualify as large organizations:
Concert Chorale
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band One (2 semesters only)
UNI Singers
Marching Band
Symphonic Band
These organizations are open to all university students, by audition. Music majors receive one (1) credit for each ensemble, up to a total of sixteen (16) over a four-year period. A maximum of two ensemble credits per semester will be allowed. A maximum of 7-8 credit hours may be counted toward the minimum requirements for the degree.
All students who have been admitted to the School of Music and wish to pursue a music major curriculum should take the following courses during the freshman year:
Course | Hours |
^Theory 1*, 2 | 4 hours |
^Aural Training 1, 2 | 2 hours |
^Sight Singing 1, 2 | 2 hours |
Applied Music (2,2) | 4 hours |
Ensembles (1,1) | 2 hours |
UNIFI (formerly LAC) | 18-20 hours |
* Some students may need to take Introduction to Theory prior to Theory 1.
^ Denotes co-requisite courses (taken simultaneously).
Music Theory
All incoming students will take an online diagnostic exam covering music fundamentals. The diagnostic exam will be available during July and August. The results of this exam will help determine which section of Music Theory classes would be appropriate for your skill level.
Explore these links to download a PDF of a sample of this diagnostic. We encourage you to complete this test to help you determine if your theory skills may need sharpening.
We use the following systems for singing pitches and counting rhythmic syllables:
Scale Degree Numbers
We use scale degree numbers to sing pitches at UNI. In a musical example, each pitch is assigned a number based on its position in the scale. The tonic pitch is 1, followed by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the scale. The link below contains an example of a melody with scale degrees.
Explore the Scale Degree Numbers used at UNI
Rhythmic Syllables
A vocabulary of syllables corresponding to specific rhythmic durations is learned and combined with conducting as a means of improving rhythmic-reading abilities. Click on the link below to download more information about the rhythmic syllables utilized at UNI.
Explore rhythmic syllables utilized at UNI
The following resources may also be helpful in preparing for Theory 1:
- Harder and Steinke, Basic Materials in Music Theory, A Programmed Course, 12th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2009
- Website:
- Website:
Computer Resources:
A computer lab with 23 iMac workstations and keyboards is available to all students in the Russell Hall music building.
We have many music software titles housed on the CHAS (College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences) server. Among these are the industry standard notation programs Finale and Sibelius.
Recital Attendance
All music majors who are registered for 12 hours or more (full-time) are required to attend 8 approved recitals during each of the Fall and Spring semesters.
Part-time majors will attend in the following manner:
Student Load | Recitals |
9-11 hour load | 6 recitals |
6-8 hour load | 4 recitals |
below 6 hours | no requirements |
Students may secure their recital cards from their Applied Music Instructor or at the music office. These recital cards must be stamped at the time(s) and place(s) designated each semester. The recital cards must be retained until the end of the semester and turned in with the jury card at jury time. It is the student's responsibility to retain the card. If it is lost, the student must begin the attendance pattern anew.
Failure to achieve the minimum number of recitals in any semester will result in a deficiency. This deficiency requires that a grade of Incomplete be filed for the Applied Music concentration. Grades of incomplete convert to an "F" automatically after six months have passed. The deficiency in recital attendance should be removed at the beginning of the subsequent semester by attending "extra" recitals.
School of Music sponsored recitals/concerts and programs involving the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra qualify for recital attendance credit. A stamped recital card OR printed program (if available) must be presented to the applied instructor to receive credit for these concerts and recitals.
It is hoped that all students will view the recital attendance policy as an encouragement to enjoy the various performances sponsored by the School of Music.

Piano Proficiency
Conducting Course Pre-Requisites
Students must have completed the Theory/Aural Training/Sight-Singing sequence before enrolling in Conducting 1. Students must have received a grade of C or better in Conducting 1 before enrolling in Conducting 2.
Studio Changes
Requests for studio changes should be made directly to the Director of the School of Music or the Associate Director for Undergraduate Studies at any time during the academic year.
Spring Registration
All freshmen must consult with their advisor prior to registering for classes for the Spring semester. Registration will begin in mid-November and end in early December. Advisor names and registration times are listed in your MyUniverse Portal. ALL changes in class schedules and registration must be approved by your major advisor.
Harpsichord Use Policy
Audio Recording Information
Practice Room Policy
Practice rooms are for the use of university students with priority in scheduling given to music majors. Any practice room vacated for more than five (5) minutes may be considered unoccupied, whether or not equipment and/or study materials have been left by a previous occupant. most "reserved" practice rooms, such as percussion, piano, etc. require a key. These keys will have to be arranged for through your instructor and the music Secretary.
Please see additional practice room policies here.
Wind and Percussion Majors - Ensemble Audition
All full-time wind and percussion music majors are required to audition for a major ensemble each semester - regardless of preference for ensembles. Each student must audition even though he/she may be planning to play only in Marching Band or Jazz One.
Auditions will be heard by a panel of music faculty to include conductors of the major ensembles and members of the applied faculty. Audition dates and times for each semester will be posted on the Ensemble Auditions page and on the bulletin board outside Davis Hall.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that they are present for these auditions!
If you have not received an audition time, please contact the Music Office at 319-273-2024 to be connected to the appropriate faculty member.
Music Scholarship Opportunity
Eligible music majors who have not received a music scholarship may audition for a continuing student scholarship. Information is listed under the Music portion of the UNI Scholarship Application maintained by the UNI Financial Aid Office.