Graduate Student Handbook
Table of Contents:
- Collaborative Pianist Policies (PDF)
- Conducting Document
- Continuous Registration
- GA Position Descriptions
- General Admission Requirements
- Graduate Scholarships & Assistantships
- Graduate Credit
- Graduate Committees (for recital or written documents)
- Graduate Curriculum
- Graduate Music Core
- Graduate Music Faculty Committees
- Graduate Music Student Responsibilities
- Graduate Recital
- Graduate Resources
- Grievance Procedures
- Master’s Thesis
- NASM Information on Protecting Your Hearing Health
- Non-Degree Status
- Policy on Sexual Harassment
- Program of Study
- Research Paper
- School of Music Graduate Faculty
- Scholarships
- Writing Policies for the School of Music
- Writing Requirements
Graduate Coordinator - School of Music
Dr. Ann Bradfield
Graduate Coordinator, UNI School of Music
Russell Hall 115
Phone: 319-273-2460
Conducting Document
Conducting students will research and write a document based, at least in part, on the literature selected for the Graduate Conducting Recital. The specific topic should be selected in consultation with the major teacher and will be historical, analytical, and/or technical in nature. The document, in combination with the Recital Performance, should be of sufficient scope (25-30 typed pages minimum) and conform in every aspect to Thesis standards regarding proper research methodology, writing style, and format.
A form cover sheet must be submitted with each version to the committee members. It must state the names of faculty on the committee, beginning with the chair, and have blanks for dates when each member completes his/her revisions. The paper will then be returned to the student.
The final form of the document shall be filed with ScholarWorks one week prior to the final day of class during the semester the student wishes to graduate. Papers submitted to will be retained in a backend repository unless the student provides permission to publicly preserve the work.
Continuous Registration
Graduate students who have completed all of their program but not all of their graduation requirements, e.g., comprehensive exams, thesis, paper/project, recitals, etc., are required to be continuously registered until the degree is completed.
Students reaching this stage will be automatically registered in the course MUS 629C "Continuous Graduate Student", and assessed a fee for registration (please refer to the university's detailed listing of tuition and fees for current information on this fee). Continuous enrollment insures that students can access their university email accounts and utilize the library and its services through graduation.
Graduate Scholarships & Assistantships
Graduate Assistantships and/or Tuition Scholarships are only available to students who are working full-time toward a graduate degree. Part-time students or students working toward an Artist’s Diploma are not eligible.
There are two different types of support available: a) The Graduate Tuition Scholarship and b) The Graduate Assistant Stipend. A student may receive one or both of these awards. A student may receive a full or half award.
If you are applying for a Graduate Assistantship and/or Tuition Scholarship, all application materials/paperwork must be received and auditions and interviews must be completed by February 15th. In addition to all required application materials:
- Please complete the appropriate forms, available at
- Submit a curriculum vitae or resume detailing your experience and qualifications
Graduate Tuition Scholarship
The Graduate Tuition Scholarship is an award which pays for all or one-half of a students’ tuition. It does not cover any non-tuition expenses such as university fees or the cost of books. Students who receive only the Graduate Tuition Scholarship are not required to perform any services or work assignments as a condition of their scholarship.
Graduate Assistant Stipend
The Graduate Assistantship is funding awarded to graduate students in exchange for employment as a Graduate Assistant in the department. A full award is for 20 hours per week of employment, and a half award is for 10 hours per week.
Application for Graduate AssistantshipGraduate Assistantship Hours Submission Form
The applicant must complete all items on the Application for Graduate Tuition Scholarship form and/or the Application for Graduate Assistant Stipend form available at This page contains important information regarding scholarships and assistantships at UNI.
Graduate Assistant Position Descriptions

Resources for Graduates
FAQ's: Grad Assistantship & Tuition Scholarship
Grievance Procedures
- Students having an academic grievance should follow the procedures detailed in the Graduate College Policies and Procedures.
Policy on Sexual Harassment
- The School of Music adheres to the sexual harassment policy and procedures detailed in the Graduate College Policies and Procedures.
Graduate Credit
Graduate students will receive degree credit only for 5xxx and 6xxx level courses. All course numbers below this level will not be counted toward minimum degree requirements. Graduate review courses in theory and music history will NOT count toward minimum degree requirements.
Graduate students in either the Master of Music in Performance, Conducting or Composition degree program should register for 6xxx applied lessons. Students in other degree programs who wish to take applied music lessons should enroll in 5xxx for 1 or 2 hours. Students are urged to be accurate in registration for applied music.
- :5xxx level one-half hour lesson 1 hour credit
- :5xxx level one hour lesson 2 hours credit
- :6xxx level one hour lesson 2-4 hours credit
Non-Degree Status
Those who do not wish to commit themselves to a degree program but wish only to enroll in an occasional class for which they have the requisite skills (non-degree status) are free to do so, but will be subjected to regulations contained in this handbook and other university documents.
For those students who wish to change their status from non-degree-to-degree, a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours previously earned as a non-degree student will be eligible for application to a degree program. This is possible only if those credits are completed no more than seven (7) years prior to the time of graduation.
Program of Study
Students accepted to the Master of Music or the Master of Arts in Music are automatically assigned the program of study for their major as listed in the University Bulletin for the semester of entrance. Students may view this program online at MyUniverse.
This form records each degree student's planned program of study. The student must follow the course of study indicated on the form and may need to request the inclusion of necessary electives through a student request form (MyUNIverse). Exceptions and course substitutions are possible, but should not be anticipated except in unusual circumstances.
To have full-time status, students must enroll for a minimum of nine (9) credit hours each semester.
Each student should form a graduate committee at the end of his/her first year of study. This committee will guide the student in the preparation of the final graduate recital(s) and/or written documents (MA - thesis or research paper; MM recital abstract, thesis, project, and/or research paper; MM conducting document), as well as supervise final comprehensive examinations in the student's specialization area and other proficiency requirements as applicable.
Graduate committees must be comprised of:
1. For MM thesis and/or recital abstract committees: 3 full graduate faculty members; associate members may serve as additional committee members or readers only, and are not eligible to chair a graduate committee.
2. For MA or MM Music Education research paper committees: at least 2 but no more than 3 committee members; the chair must be a full member of the graduate faculty, and remaining members may be associate or full graduate faculty members.
Committee Forms
You may wish to consult your major professor in your area for assistance in determining your committee. Fill out forms as follows:
- All Students: fill out the Thesis Committee Appointment Form
Master of Arts or Master of Music in Music Education
Students in the Master of Arts or Master of Music in Music Education degree programs must submit either an approved Research Paper to the School of Music or a Masters Thesis to the Graduate College prior to graduation.
Master of Music in Performance, Composition, or Conducting
Students in the Master of Music in Performance, Composition, or Conducting programs must submit a Recital Abstract to the Graduate College along with required documentation. Conducting students must also submit a Conducting Document to the School of Music.
Specific Requirements:
Recitals and Recital Abstracts follow the procedures and policies set forth by the Graduate College in reference to master's Theses. Research Papers are internal requirements and follow Departmental procedures for completion.
The Graduate College has set forth policies and procedures for completing master's Theses and Recital Abstracts in the University Catalog-Bulletin and the Graduate College Thesis and Dissertation Manual. Students should become familiar with policies and procedures -- especially deadlines -- early in the degree program.
A preview meeting must be scheduled during the first eight weeks of the semester in which the student wishes to graduate (exact dates will be posted by the Graduate College). The preview meeting is scheduled with the Graduate College Thesis Reader who will check for appropriate formatting. All formatting MUST adhere to the Graduate College Thesis and Dissertation Manual.
The final version of a Thesis or Recital Abstract is due in the Graduate College, along with forms and fees discussed during the preview meeting, at the end of the 10th week of the semester in which the student wishes to graduate (exact dates will be posted). Final versions of the Recital Abstracts are due at this time -- regardless of when the actual Recital has taken place.
Recital approval documentation is due to the Graduate College on the published deadline for thesis submission, which is at the end of the 10th week during the semester in which the student wishes to graduate. Recital approval documentation includes items as discussed with the Graduate College Reader.
For students completing internal writing requirements, such as the Conducting Document or Research Papers, the final form of the document shall be filed with ScholarWorks one week prior to the final day of class during the semester the student wishes to graduate. Papers submitted to will be retained in a backend repository unless the student provides permission to publicly preserve the work.
Faculty chairpersons of graduate committees normally* may take two weeks to read the first draft of abstracts/ research papers/theses/conducting documents. After the student has finished significant revisions with the guidance of the CHAIRPERSON then the student may submit the document to other members of the committee. Normally* other committee members will take one week to read/comment and return the document to the student.
(*Students must communicate their submission time line with all committee members. Many faculty are unavailable within a given one-two week period for performances, professional travel and University commitments. Committee members will not be required to read documents during the final two weeks of regular class for the semester.
Please Note: With the exception of some faculty in the Music Education Division, committee members are NOT normally available during summer months. Therefore students who wish to graduate in the summer should plan to have all the requirements for their written document completed by the end of the spring semester.)