Information for First Year Students
You are beginning an important and exciting part of your life! The faculty and staff of the UNI School of Music are here to help you succeed. It is very important that if you have questions or need help that you ask for it. It is why we are here and we want to help you.
Some advice for incoming students:

Get organized early.
Figure out when your classes are, when your job is, then schedule meals, study time, and practice time. Sticking to a schedule will help you keep up with what you have to do and allow you to have some free time.

Ask for help!
We have tutoring for music theory and piano classes. If you don’t understand something, ask, and keep asking until you get the help you need.

Ask our staff members.
The office staff in Russell Hall 115 are always willing to assist you with questions.

Learn from the older students.
The upperclassmen in your studios have been through what you are going through. They can help answer questions and give you advice.

Make appointments.
The Director of the School of Music, Dr. Melinda Boyd, located in 115 Russell Hall, is available for your questions.

Have fun, but also be smart!
There are many opportunities for university students and throughout your four years. Be careful in your first semester not to be involved in too many things. Get used to being a college student first, then each semester seek out the activities that you feel will enrich your time here as a student.