Individual Lessons

The parent is actively involved in the learning process.  It is the responsibility of the mother or father to attend all lessons, groups and recitals with the child and supervise the home practice.  One of the most important ingredients for success is the parent's willingness to spend time working closely with child and teacher.  The goal of the private lesson is to have the student learn the skills required to play the instrument with special emphasis on tonalization and musicality while developing a positive parent-teacher-child relationship.


  • Be on time for lessons
  • If you cannot attend a lesson, arrange to have lesson taped.
  • At lessons, assume the role of a quiet observer, remembering that the child cannot learn from two teachers at once.
  • Bring a notebook and pen/pencil to take notes. (Weekly practice sheets are available.)
  • Learn to tune and care for the instrument.
  • Learn to play the instrument.
  • If siblings attend lessons, please provide "quiet" toys or books for the child so that you are free to observe the student's lesson.
  • Understand the specific assignment for the next week, and don't hesitate to ask if instructions are unclear.
  • If you wish to discuss your child with the teacher, do it by phone or make an appointment, not during lessons or when the child is present.
  • Should a problem arise between teacher/parent or teacher/student, discuss it with the teacher as soon as possible.  If you are uncomfortable speaking to the teacher, contact the director.


  • Attend and be prepared for all lessons, groups and recitals.
  • When you arrive at lesson, get out your instrument, prepare the instrument for lesson, get into rest position and be ready for the beginning bow to begin the lesson.
  • Learn to properly care for your instrument (dusting, cleaning, etc.)
  • Be attentive and respectful when working with the teacher and when listening to others perform in group lessons and recitals.