Suzuki Violin Book Revisions
recent changes in books with older publication dates
Twinkle Variations
- Variation D is now the reinstated triplet variation
- Variation E is now the sixteenths variation
May Song
- No repeat
Happy Farmer
- Measures 9 & 15, first two beats-bowing is a slur, not a dotted hooked bow
- Piece begins up-bow
- Measure 10, fourth beat-G and F# eighth notes are slurred
Hunter Chorus
- Measure 16 & 19, second beat-now separate eighth notes, no hooked bows.
Lully Gavotte
- Measure 6 & 40, second beat-bowing is two up-bow staccatos, not separate bows
- Measures 8 & 42, first beat-half note down -bow and retake for the next down-bow beat two
Beethoven Minuet
- Measures 25 & 28, second group three connected eighth notes-now slurred, not up-bow staccato
Boccherini Minuet
- Measure 20 - no second ending for minuet section
Martini Gavotte
- Beginning measure 72, second beat, and continuing through measure 80, first half note-slurs now connecting all notes per beat, no separate bows.
Bach Minuet
- Minuet I and Minuet II designation
- Minuet I, measure 1 - 16 now repeated
- Minuet II, measures 1 - 16 now repeated
- Minuet II, measure 15, second and third beats - now connected portato up -bows
- Minuet II, measures 17 - 32, now repeated
- Minuet II, measure 32, new D.C. Minuet I al Fine
- Recommendations for third position throughout
- Measure 40, only third position fingering
- Measure 56, suggestion for harmonic
Becker Gavotte
- Measures 26 & 42, second beat-both eighth notes now up-bow
- Measure 50, now D.S. al Fine
Gavottes in D Major
- Gavotte I and Gavotte II designation
- Gavotte I now begins up bow
- Gavotte I, measures 9 & 25 second beat, now two up -bow quarter notes
- Gavotte I, measure 20, second beat-note is not C# (with 3rd finger) not A
- Gavotte II, measures 7 & 9 all notes separate bow
- Gavotte II measure 12, first beat-all eight notes slurred
- Gavotte II, measure 12, second beat & measure 13 -last eighth note in slur now dotted
- Gavotte II, measure 14, second beat & measure 15-all notes separate bow
- Gavotte II, measure 15 & 16, start up-bow
- Gavotte II, measures 19 & 20, last quarter note tied to first quarter note (Ds). Added trill on tied D, and up-bow on second quarter note C#
- Gavotte II, measure 20 second beat & measure 21 first beat-last eighth note in slur now dotted
- Gavotte II, measure 23, all notes separate bow
- Gavotte II, measure 27, second beat - all eighth notes slurred
- Gavotte II, measure 28, first beat quarter notes separate & second beat eighth notes up-bow
- Gavotte II, measure 29, starts down-bow, all notes separate bow
- Gavotte II, measure 30, first beat starts down-bow & second beat up-bow
- Gavotte II, measure 31 & 32, start up-bow
Bach Bourree
- Bourree I and Bourree II designation
- Bourreei, measures 1, 3, 9, 17 & Bourree II, measures 10, 13-first beat eighth notes, up-bow slur & second beat quarter notes, separate bow
- Bourree I, measure 22, last eighth note is now C not D
- Bourree I, measure 23, second half both beats, separate bow
- Bourree II, measures 2, 4, 20-now E naturals not E flats
- Bourree II, measures 7 & 23, second beat -all eighth notes slurred
- Bourree II measures 8 & 24, now down-bow
- Bourree II, measure 8, no C on first beat, now only B flat
- Bourree II, measure 12, first beat-now suggested grace note D to C#, not written eighth notes.
Fingerings for Seitz has changed
Add Perpetual Motion from Little Suite No. 6 by Bohm after Vivaldi, 3rd mvt.
Bach Double 2nd violin
- Measure 12, third beat, now B, not Bb
- Measures 29 & 84, first beat sixteenth notes separate, no slur; second beat first three sixteenth notes slurred down-bow, last sixteenth note separate up-bow.