Amp Club

Music club for Cedar Valley youth

Amp Club is an opportunity for youth in the Cedar Valley to get together and make music in modern bands. Amp Club is free and open to anyone. 

About Amp Club

An opportunity to make music!

What is Amp Club?

Modern bands (i.e., rock, pop, country, hip-hop, metal, punk, etc.) are becoming more and more popular among youth in the Cedar Valley. Some are playing in bands at school while others are forming their own bands in garages and basements. Amp Club is an outlet for kids to get together and be in a band. 

Amp Club is open to anyone, but there isn't any formal instruction. In other words, Amp Club isn't a school offering music lessons. Its just a place to jam! 

Kevin Droe is hosting Amp Club, but the kids decide everything. Which songs? Who does what? Where to play? etc. 

Friends! Amp Club is fun to do with friends

When and Where

Amp Club Information

All instruments are provided, but kids are welcome to bring their own instruments.

Where: University of Northern Iowa, Russell Hall, Room 111


  • Sept. 13
  • Sept. 20
  • Oct. 11
  • Oct. 25
  • Nov. 8
  • Nov. 29
  • Dec. 13


  • 5-6 PM - Elementary school ages
  • 6-7 PM - Junior high and high school ages