Victor Acevedo
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor

115C Russell Hall
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Victor Acevedo
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor
Dr. Victor Acevedo currently serves as Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Advisor for the School of Music at the University of Northern Iowa. A native of Puerto Rico, he received his B.M in Music Education (Cum Laude) from the Inter American University of P.R. Dr. Acevedo received his M.A. and M.F.A. degrees in Clarinet Performance, and a Ph.D. in Music Education from The University of Iowa. While at The University of Iowa, he studied conducting with Dr. William LaRue Jones and conducted the University of Iowa Chamber Orchestra. Dr. Acevedo research interests include Music Perception and Cognition. In his Dissertation, Dr. Acevedo took a developmental approach to study how children from different age groups listen to music and how they arrive to their preference decisions based on their perceptual, cognitive, and affective capacities.
Dr. Acevedo principal clarinet teachers have included Maurita Murphy Mead (The University of Iowa), Sylvia Fitzmaurice (Inter American University of Puerto Rico), and Kathleen Jones (Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music).
Prior to joining the UNI faculty, Dr. Acevedo was clarinet instructor at Grinnell College. In addition, he held a position as lecturer of Music at Cornell College. During his appointment at Cornell College, Dr. Acevedo taught clarinet, music education courses, and supervised music student teachers.
Ph.d, M.F.A. & M.A. – The University of Iowa