Owen Weimer

Student Trombone Teacher

Owen Weimer

Owen Weimer

Student Trombone Teacher

Owen Weimer is currently in his fourth year of study at the University of Northern Iowa, where he is pursuing an Instrumental Music Education degree. He is a tenor trombone player in the trombone studio under the instruction of Dr. Anthony Williams. This year, he is in several ensembles and groups, those being the UNI Orchestra, Jazz Band 1, Jazz Slides, the UNI trombone quartet, and is a member of the Biscotti Brass Quintet. In high school, he was a four year Allstater, as well as participated in the school’s jazz band, wind ensemble, marching band, pit orchestra, show choir band, and was in the area's youth symphony orchestra. Owen was selected as a finalist in the UNI Emerging Artist competition last year, and has had the great opportunity to get lessons with two great trombone professionals, Kenneth Thompkins, and Jeremy Wilson. Outside of his trombone career, Owen very much enjoys playing video games, loves dogs, and is a huge fan of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. He is very excited for this opportunity to work with students and better himself as both a musician and teacher.